Medical malpractice & personal injury

Bachus & Schanker – May assist with motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, workman’s comp., SSDI, wrongful death, etc. Denver: (877) 653-9800, Fort Collins: (970) 222-2222, Colorado Springs: (719) 888-8888. 

Brian Popp LLC – Divorce, separation, family law, personal injury (720) 225-9135.

Clawson & Clawson LLP – May be able to assist with personal injury, family law, workers’ comp, criminal defense, and Social Security Disability benefits if they are denied, with appeal, or just to help with the process. Offices in Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and Denver Metro Area. (719) 602-5888, (303) 805-4900.

Colorado Bar Association – List of legal resources and specific attorneys for various matters. (303) 860-1115. 

David S. Woodruff Denver Trial Lawyers – May assist with medical malpractice cases. (303) 647-4435.

Ogborn Mihm, LLP - Denver Law Firm - Trial Lawyers Colorado – Personal injury, medical malpractice, products liability, real-estate transactions and litigation. (303) 861-1000.

Frederick W. Newall, Esq. – May be able to assist with personal injury, Social Security Disability, and Workers’ Compensation. (719) 633-5211. 

Leventhal Pulga Braley Trial Lawyers – Medical malpractice and personal injury. (303) 759-9945, (877) 433-3906. 

McDivitt Law Firm – Personal injury, medical malpractice, etc. (720) 513-3648.

The Sawaya Law Firm – Car accidents, workman’s comp., personal injury, commercial truck accidents, VA disability, and employment. Denver: (720) 709-2855, Sheridan: (303) 377-2665, Greeley: (970) 372-0834, Colorado Springs: (719) 888-4887.