Voting Rights

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Voting Rights

In 2002 Congress passed the Help America Vote Act or HAVA, which authorized a new protection and advocacy program to protect the voting rights of people with disabilities. In Colorado we call our program VOTE!

Disability Law Colorado believes that people with disabilities not only have the right to vote, but also the obligation to make their voices heard. 

Click here to view our Voting Rights Fact Sheet

Click Here for Accessible Ballot Information

Click Here for Guide to Polling Place Accessibility in Colorado

Our Voting Vision

It is our goal to encourage Coloradans with disabilities to vote in every election and to develop a life-long habit of voting and civic engagement.

Vote as if your life depends on it, because it does."

- Justin Dart

Find out more about your voting rights, including accessibility of polling places and the voting process, through the resources below. Learn more about our VOTE! program here. 

If you still have questions about your voting rights, please contact us.


Videos from Rooted in Rights about Voting Rights for People with Disabilities

Video #1: Are you planning to vote? | #VoteDisability

Video #2: Why should Deaf people vote? | #VoteDisability

Video #3: People with assistants have equal voting rights | #VoteDisability

Video #4: When you get out, get your vote back. | #VoteDisability
Video #5: Do you speak Spanish and have a disability? Vote! | #VoteDisability

Related Resources

Mental Incapacity and the Right to Vote in Colorado

The United States Constitution protects its citizens’ right to vote. However, the Constitution also allows states to determine who qualifies to vote within their jurisdiction. This right is, of course, limited and must comply with the Constitution and Federal Statutes.

Voter ID Requirements

Acceptable Forms of Identification

Voting Rights Fact Sheet

This fact sheet explores the rights of individuals with disabilities to vote. It includes the following information:

Guide to the Voting Rights of People with Mental Disabilities

Voting is a fundamental right in American society—the foundation of our democracy.  By expressing our views through voting, we can help ensure that our government develops and implements good policies and protects our civil rights.