Mar 16, 2019

Disability Law Colorado is pleased to announce that an agreement was reached on Friday, March 15 in a longstanding legal battle over long waits for court-ordered mental health evaluations and treatment. The consent decree filed Friday ends eight years of legal disputes between the Colorado Department of Human Services and Disability Law Colorado; and will set new deadlines and create a triage system. Mark Ivandick, Disability Law Colorado's Denver Office Managing Attorney said in a news release that the consent decree will “ensure sweeping reforms to Colorado’s broken competency system.”
Disability Law Colorado remains steadfast in our work to protect the civil and human rights of individuals with disabilities throughout the Centennial state. #PAIMI (Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness) #PromoteChange #ProtectRights #ImproveLives
Read The Denver Post article announcing the agreement HERE.
Read The Colorado Springs Gazzett article HERE