Feb 8, 2022

Information on How to Receive the Child Tax Credit and/or Earned Income Tax Credit
As part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, many parents and guardians are eligible for the Child Tax Credit and many people are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. Everyone needs to file a tax return to get their full Child Tax Credit and/or Earned Income Tax Credit. Go to ChildTaxCredit.Gov for information on how to get free assistance filing your taxes. Find out how to get assistance and file your taxes for free at: www.ChildTaxCredit.gov
Key Facts About the Child Tax Credit:
- Parents can receive $3,000 or $3,600 per child ages 0-17 depending on the child’s age.
- Income eligibility: All eligible families can receive the full credit if they make less than $150,000 for a married couple or $112,500 for a single parent in 2021.
- File your taxes to get your remaining credit or your full credit if you haven’t gotten monthly payments: Families, including those who received part of their Child Tax Credit as monthly payments last year, can get their remaining Child Tax Credit by filing a tax return this year. If you did not receive monthly Child Tax Credit payments, you will receive the full credit amount when you file your tax returns.
- Non-taxable: The Child Tax Credit, including the monthly payments received last year, is a tax cut. It is not income that will be taxed.
- Does not affect other federal benefits: Receiving the Child Tax Credit will have no impact on anyone’s eligibility for, or lower the amount of, other federal benefits.
- For parents and legal guardians: Anyone, including grandparents, who are legal guardians may be eligible for the Child Tax Credit.
CLICK HERE for a Child Tax Credit Information Flyer (English)
CLICK HERE for a Child Tax Credit Information Flyer (Spanish)