Jan 14, 2020

Once a decade America comes together to participate in the census. The census provides the basis for reapportioning Congressional seats, redistricting, and distributing billions of dollars in federal funding to Colorado. When everyone in Colorado is counted in the 2020 Census our communities get the funding they need for things like health care, education, elder care, disability services, and more.
Disability Law Colorado is a 2020 Census partner with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs through a grant from the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition. Discover more about our 2020 Census campaign at: www.disabilitylawco.org/census
Visite El Censo 2020 ¡Todos Contamos! para leer esta información en español.
Contact us should you have questions or encounter 2020 Census accessibility issues. 303.722.0300 or [email protected]