Apr 21, 2021

Join Disability Law Colorado in thanking our dedicated and passionate volunteers: Board of Directors, PAIMI (Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness) Advisory Council, Development Committee, volunteer attorneys, and outreach/Spanish translators/interpreters. Thank you for your leadership, and for sharing your time, talent, ties and treasure with Disability Law Colorado. Your dedication, compassion and hard work inspire us and the community we serve.
Disability Law Colorado's Board of Directors
Disability Law Colorado's PAIMI Advisory Council
Volunteer Attorneys: Fern Black and Howard Hertzberg
Spanish Interpretation & Outreach Volunteer: Alirio Moran
Investment Committee: Ian Bird and Michele Suriano
#VolunteerAppreciationWeek #Time #Talent #Gifts #Service #OurVolunteersRock #StrongerTogether #DisabilityLawCO