May 3, 2021

May is Mental Health Month! Did You Know?
Disability Law Colorado is Colorado's designated Protection & Advocacy agency which helps Coloradans living with mental illness navigate the mental health system, defend against discrimination, and get the services and treatment they need to live independent lives in the community. To facilitate this mental health advocacy we equip and empower a PAIMI (Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness) Advisory Council whose members include mental health professionals, individuals from the public who are knowledgeable about mental illness and the advocacy needs of persons with mental illness, providers of mental health services, and most importantly - 60% of the council's membership includes individuals who have received or are receiving mental health services. Colorado's PAIMI Advisory Council advocates for strong mental health laws on behalf of people with mental illness who rely on the P&A network to protect their rights and to keep them safe from abuse and neglect. #PAIMIadvisorycouncil #ProtectionAndAdvocacy #MentalHealthMonth2021
Here's a Mental Health America a work health survey: + Mental Health Month 2021 toolkit: