Gentrice Petrie

A person with copper red shoulder length hair wearing a striped shirt and glasses.

Gentrice Petrie (they/them) joined Disability Law Colorado in 2023 after earning a Master of Arts in Public History from Colorado State University. As a historian, they have written and taught about the history of disability activism and the independent living movement and facilitated the disability rights oral history project housed at History Colorado, Colorado’s state historical society. Gentrice has also been a long-time member of Americans Disabled for Attendant Programs Today (ADAPT) and has worked with others in the group to advocate for policies that would expand the right for people with disabilities to receive home and community-based services. Gentrice lives in the mountains of Livermore, Colorado, and in their free time enjoys stargazing with their friends and students while running the observatory at Front Range Community College. [email protected]

Advocacy Specialist