Individual Medicaid appeals

Ambler and Keenan LLC – Medicaid services, special needs trusts, estate planning, elder law, etc. (303) 407-1542. 

Christina Ebner, Esq. – Social Security Disability benefits, Medicaid/Medicare, Retirement, etc. (303) 544-2124, email: [email protected].

Law Office of Claire E. Dineen – Estate planning such as: wills, trusts, financial durable powers of attorney, medical durable powers of attorney, advanced directives. Estate & Trust Administration, Fiduciary Representation, Elder Law, Medicaid Planning for Long-term Care, Disability, and Personal Injury, and Special Needs Trusts. (303) 567-7950.

Colorado Center on Law and Policy’s GuideMedicaid Appeals Guides / Las Guías de apelaciones de Medicaid - CCLP

Colorado Cross Disability Coalition’s GuidanceInstructions for people who need assistance with Medicaid appeals processes  

Colorado Department of Human Services – Helps to protect you from discrimination in certain healthcare and social service programs. Some of these programs may include Hospitals, health clinics, nursing homes, Medicaid and Medicare agencies, Welfare programs, Day care centers, Doctors’ offices and pharmacies, Children’s health programs, Alcohol and drug treatment centers, Adoption agencies, Mental health and developmental disabilities agencies. (303) 866-3275.

Olsen & Mahoney, LLP – Special needs trusts, estate planning {POA/wills, trusts), fraud, Medicaid consultation, etc. (303) 329-4670.

M. Carl Glatstein: Glatstein & O’Brien – Elder law, Estate planning, probate and estate administration. Guardianship, conservatorship, wills and trusts, and Medicaid. (303) 757-4342.

Wallace and Kling, P.C. – Elder law, special needs trusts, Social Security, Medicaid, estate planning, divorce, etc. (970) 221-5602.