Youth Transition Resource Round Up - August 31

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image: young adult Black male with a red shirt and wearing a blue protective helmet sitting at a table with two young adult camp counselors assisting him

Do you need resources for youth aged 14-26? Northwest Colorado Center for Independence has collaborated with several local, regional, and state agencies/organizations to bring the Youth Transition Resource Round Up to Craig. Disability Law Colorado is among the participating agencies at this event on August 31, 2022 4:00pm to 7:00pm at the Craig Chamber of Commerce Showroom, 775 Yampa Ave. Craig, Colorado

There will have booths set up for youth and their families to visit to gather info on the process of Youth Transition. Resources available for IEP/504 advocacy, disability rights, self-advocacy, parent support, peer groups, information on Medicaid and waivers, various therapy services, mental health, medical and dental care, educational programs and support, deaf/blind services, learning disability support, community outreach, care coordination, job preparation and coaching and so much more.

Participating Agencies: Northwest Colorado Center for Independence, Disability Law Colorado, Arc of Colorado, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Horizons Specialized Services, Mind Springs Health, Memorial Regional Health Rehab, Northwest Colorado Halth, Dyslexia Foundation of Western Colorado, Colorado Dept. of Education, Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind, Special Olympics, Colorado Cross Disability Coalition, A Special Needs Connection

CLICK HERE for a PDF of the flyer.

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