Join Us On Our Fall 2023 Community Engagement Tour!

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Disability Law Colorado, in collaboration with the Arc of Colorado, will be conducting a series of community engagement opportunities in key areas around the state to hear how we can help improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. We want to hear the concerns you have as well as discuss any ideas you might have about solutions that can be implemented to improve you or your loved one’s well-being. The primary objective in hosting these local gatherings is to connect you with your community leader(s). It is paramount that you feel heard and supported by these decision makers. We will also be offering a legislative update from this past session of the Colorado General Assembly.

Please see the link below for a list of dates, times, and locations you can hear from DLC, discuss your concerns, speak with community leaders, and collectively create a better place for everyone to live, work, and play.



If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact:


Erica Voisine                                                          Jack Johnson

Outreach and Communications Manager                Public Policy Liaison     

Disability Law Colorado                                         Disability Law Colorado

720-202-9871                                                     720-610-4723

[email protected]                              [email protected]