211 Colorado – Provides various resources, 211.
Centers for Independent Living
Colorado Bar Association – List of legal resources and specific attorneys for various matters. (303) 860-1115.
Colorado Cash Assistance Program - Colorado provides several types of cash assistance benefits. The program for families with children is Colorado Works, also known as TANF. Other types of cash assistance are part of Adult Financial Programs, including Aid to the Needy Disabled, Old Age Pension, Burial Assistance, and Home Care Allowance. (303) 866-5700.
Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Colorado Employment Assistance – Provides various types of employment-related assistance, (303) 866-5700.
Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade - COVID economic recovery and business news, (303) 892-3840.
Disaster Loan Assistance – May provide loans for businesses, nonprofits, homeowners, and renters, (800) 659-2955, TTY/TDD: (800) 877-8339.
Mile High United Way – May connect families to critical resources like childcare, housing, food assistance, and more, (303) 433-8383.
Need Help Paying Bills – Provides information for various sources of financial assistance.
Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation - Raises and distributes funds to grow the power of workers in public discourse and workplace policies on wages, equity and health for restaurant workers.
USBG National Charity Foundation – May provide economic resources, (855) 655-8724.