Board of Directors

Status message

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President: Sarah Bhagwandin, Esq.
Also serves as Chair of PAIMI Advisory Council
Vice-President: Michelle R. Thom, Esq.
Armstrong Teasdale LLC
Treasurer: Tracy Pharis
Moss Adams LLP
Secretary: Mary Kay Kisseberth
Community Advocate​
Tim Atkinson, Esq.
Ireland Stapleton
Alirio E. Moran
Educational Interpreter & Freelance Translator
Sarah Collins
Travel Technician
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
Jackie Joseph Buzek
Research Associate Professor at the University of Denver
Positive Early Learning Experiences Center
Kate Harris Broeking
Founder and Principal Coach
VocaWell Coaching & Consulting
Tony Wright
Senior Specialist for Special Populations in the Authorizing & Accountability Department
Denver Public Schools


Non-Voting Committe Members

Dr. Alissa Rausch
Assistant Research Faculty
Morgridge College of Education
PELE Center

Peter Lindquist, Esq.
Community Advocate