Special Education Program

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All children have the right to go to school and have a fair chance to learn, including children with disabilities.

For many children with disabilities, getting a fair chance to learn means getting individualized school services to meet their particular needs.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that public schools provide specially designed instruction according to an individualized educational program (IEP). Disability Law Colorado helps ensure that children with disabilities receive the appropriate school services they need for an inclusive, supportive education.

Our Work

Since 2013 Disability Law Colorado has been working with the Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council to gather and analyze reports from schools on their use of seclusion and restraint, to promote system-wide improvement. In addition to policy changes at schools, we have been instrumental in changing state law.

Our Services

Our services range from offering information about special education law, to providing technical assistance to help solve individual problems, and directly representing parents at IEP meetings and dispute resolution procedures. If you need help with these issues, please contact us.

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