Making Hard Time Harder: People with Disabilities in Prison

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The disproportionate incarceration of people with disabilities in the United States is a serious and growing problem. National surveys now indicate that as many as 31 percent of inmates in state prisons report having at least one disability.


While prison is hard for everyone, incarceration is even more challenging for inmates with disabilities. Research shows that inmates with disabilities are sentenced to an average of fifteen more months in prison as compared to other inmates with similar criminal convictions. The time they serve is also harder, with more sanctions imposed and less access to positive programming than other inmates.  Prisoners with disabilities are also four times more likely to report recent psychological distress as compared to inmates without disabilities. In a system intended to control and sanction behavior believed to violate the many regulations that govern prison life, inmates with disabilities who need accommodations are often overlooked, ignored, or even punished.

Making Hard Time Harder is a report of the Amplifying the Voices of Inmates with Disabilities (AVID) project.


Press Release

Advocacy in Colorado

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