National Disability Voter Registration Week Toolkit

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New resources available to register, educate, and engage voters with disabilities.

The REV UP Campaign is a nonpartisan initiative of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) that aims to increase the political power of people with disabilities while also engaging candidates and the media on disability rights issues.

Today, we are proud to release the National Disability Voter Registration Week Toolkit, the first of several resources meant to help national, state, and local disability-rights advocates to register, educate, and engage voters with disabilities.


National Disability Voter Registration Week Toolkit

The REV UP Campaign is coordinating National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW) during the week of July 16-20, 2018 to get people with disabilities registered to vote, educated about this year’s election, and prepared to cast a ballot in November. With numerous events and activities around the country during this time, we also hope to garner attention from media and candidates running for office.

The NDVRW Toolkit includes: a guide on how to organize voter registration events, ideas on other ways to participate in NDVRW, sample social media posts and graphics, and other resources. If you are planning voter registration events or other activities, please keep the REV UP Campaign updated on your efforts. 

Access the National Disability Voter Registration Week Toolkit

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