Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

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The 3rd Edition of The Everday Guide to Special Education...

Ability Law Blog Post
The new edition of my book has more than seventy pages of additional information. Included is additional information on schools...

Discipline Safeguards Apply to Students in Juvenile Justice...

Ability Law Blog Post
In a joint Dear Colleague Letter the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have advised residential...

School District Employee Cannot Be 504 Hearing or Review...

Ability Law Blog Post
Section 504 requires school districts to provide a process for parents to resolve disputes regarding services provided under...

Removing Barriers to Play: Accessible Playground Standards...

Ability Law Blog Post
This is a special guest posting by Emily Harvey, an attorney with my office: The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and...

DOJ, OCR, and OSERS Issue Joint Guidance Letter and FAQ to...

Ability Law Blog Post
Today, November 12, 2014, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and Office of Special Education and...

Least Restrictive Environment Applies to Extended School...

Ability Law Blog Post
Students with disabilities who need extended school year (ESY) are entitled to receive those services in the least restrictive...

Office for Civil Rights Reminds Charter Schools that...

Ability Law Blog Post
On May 14, 2014 the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued a "Dear Colleague" letter clarifying that federal civil rights laws,...

Vague IEP Description of Assistive Technology (AT) Impeded...

Ability Law Blog Post
Parents, advocates, and educators frequently ask how much detail is required when writing a service on an IEP. Here's a case that...

Vague IEP Description of Assistive Technology (AT) Impeded...

Ability Law Blog Post
Parents, advocates, and educators frequently ask how much detail is requiring when writing a service on an IEP. Here's a case...

In light of student's increased absences, the School...

Ability Law Blog Post
In San Diego Unified School District, 113 LRP 15333 (OCR 01/31/13) a California school district learned that a 504 Plan is not a...
