Request for Proposals: Strategic Planning Facilitation

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May 6, 2024

Disability Law Colorado Request for Proposal for Strategic Planning Facilitation

Purpose and Background

Disability Law Colorado (DLC) seeks proposals from experienced Strategic Planning facilitators to guide our organization through its next Strategic Planning cycle. Disability Law Colorado is a not-for-profit legal services firm focused on advocacy for people with disabilities in Colorado.

We seek clearly defined objectives that are aligned with our mission, vision, and history of advocacy on behalf of individuals with physical, mental health, and intellectual/developmental disabilities whom we have served for over 40 years. We seek strategies that are straightforward, readily implemented and can be updated to reflect evolving priorities in the dynamic political and fiscal environment in which we work.  Further, we seek approaches that both support the development of the strategy and provide guidance on implementation. It is imperative that members of our governing Board and our staff participate in the entire process to endorse the results and maximize buy-in.

The purpose, therefore, of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from consultant facilitators experienced in strategic thinking and planning. The facilitator(s) will provide the following services:

  1. Provide leadership, direction and expert consultation and advice to develop an effective strategic plan.
  2. Facilitate a straightforward, easily implemented strategic planning process that considers input from a representative group of relevant parties, including individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities in Colorado.
  3. Perform strategic planning activities and facilitate strategic planning meetings, including meeting(s) with the Board.
  4. Provide deliverables that reflect and document the work performed throughout the process.
  5. Develop a well-crafted Strategic Plan that encompasses the vision, mission, values, and strategies that will guide DLC into and through the next 3-5 years.
  6. Prepare and execute a final presentation of the Strategic Plan and action steps for the Board of Directors and staff.

Basic Requirements for Response

  1. A cover letter including the name and title of the person(s) who are authorized to answer questions about this RFP. Include phone, fax number and email address.
  2. Description of the Strategic Planning framework that includes the process the facilitator(s) will use to engage DLC leadership, staff, and other relevant parties throughout the planning process.
  3. Description of the work plan activities and anticipated time frames for completion.
  4. Estimated costs for each project phase and the total estimated cost should be outlined in the RFP. The approved budget for this project falls within a range of $10,000 to $13,000.

Responses, typed in single-spaced 12-point font and submitted as a single PDF file, should not exceed 10 pages (excluding resumes and biographical information).


Please provide information on qualifications. DLC seeks:

  1. Evidence of substantial knowledge and experience in developing Strategic Plans for nonprofit organizations. Experience with Colorado-based organizations is desirable.
  2. Knowledge or experience in working with people with disabilities is also desirable. Please describe such experience as appropriate.
  3. If the proposal is submitted by a firm, include a brief history of the firm, including a description of size and experience with the nonprofit community.
  4. Please include brief biographical information about all persons to be assigned to this project including their relevant experience.


Provide the name and contact information for at least two clients whose functions and history are comparable in scope and complexity to Disability Law Colorado.
Optional: Provide a copy of a Strategic Plan, redacted for confidentiality, developed for one of these clients.

Proposal Response Date

The response to this request for proposal must be received no later than May 24, 2024 and must be emailed to Mary Kay Kisseberth, Secretary, Board of Directors at


An official authorized to bind the facilitator(s)/firm to the provisions must sign all proposals.

Effective Period and Timeline

All proposals submitted to this RFP must be valid for at least 90 days.

Facilitator(s) should aim to deliver a presentation on the final strategic plan to the board and staff on September 26, 2024, during the BOD meeting. Accordingly, the contract period should conclude by November 1, 2024.


The proposal may be withdrawn by written request to Mary Kay Kisseberth at

Evaluation Criteria

A committee of DLC Board and Staff will evaluate the submitted proposals. An oral presentation and/or interview may be requested.

The evaluation criteria include, but are not limited to, the facilitator’s understanding of Disability Law Colorado’s requirements, facilitator’s relevant experience, facilitator qualifications, timelines and total cost.

DLC strongly encourages proposals that demonstrate a commitment to inclusive facilitation. This includes meaningful participation from facilitators and team members who identify as People with Disabilities, People of Color, and/or members of other historically and currently marginalized populations.

DLC will award the project in its sole discretion to the individual or firm that we believe best meets the needs of the organization. DLC will notify the successful bidder by or before June 7, 2024.

Scope of Work

Task 1 – Development and Presentation of a Strategic Planning Framework

The facilitator will draw upon expertise, experience, industry standards and best practices to develop a Strategic Planning framework tailored to Disability Law Colorado’s needs and context.  The deliverable will include a detailed work plan with key tasks and timeframes and a presentation to the Strategic Planning Committee (hereinafter, The Committee).

Deliverables:  A documented Strategic Planning Framework due 10 business days after contract award and presentation to The Committee at a date and time to be determined between the facilitator(s) and The Committee. 

Task 2 – Facilitation Sessions with DLC Board and Staff

The facilitator(s) shall conduct strategic planning sessions as proposed in Task 1 and approved by The Committee.  Board Members, DLC staff, and relevant parties may be included in sessions, separately or combined, according to the plan approved in Task 1. To ensure comprehensive input, we strongly encourage the facilitator(s) to undertake strategic planning activities that are also specifically designed to gather information from individuals with disabilities in Colorado.

Deliverables:  Conducting and providing documentation of agreed-upon facilitation sessions according to the approved Task 1 work plan.  Documentation with session results and recommendations is to be provided to The Committee no later than 10 business days after each session.

Task 3 – Facilitate a Board of Directors Retreat

The facilitator shall work with The Committee to design the agenda and facilitate a Board of Director’s retreat to engage the Directors in the Disability Law Colorado strategic planning process. The BOD and facilitator(s) will determine a mutually agreed upon date and time for the retreat.

Deliverables: Agenda and materials for a one-day Board of Directors retreat and facilitation of the meeting. Summary results shall be documented no later than 10 business days after the retreat.

Task 4 – A Strategic Plan for Disability Law Colorado

The facilitator will develop and present a draft and a final Strategic Plan for Disability Law Colorado that includes clearly articulated objectives into and through the next 3-5 years and an action plan to accomplish these objectives.

Deliverable:  A fully documented Strategic Plan into and through the next 3-5 years and presentation to the Board of Directors. The draft plan will be presented to The Committee and to the Board of Directors at dates to be agreed upon between The Committee and the facilitator(s). The final plan shall be presented to the Board no later than September 26, 2024.