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Below are some of the valuable partners who help us fulfill our mission.

If your organization helps people with disabilities, please reach out to see how you can become a partner too.

The National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) is the nonprofit membership organization for the federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems and Client Assistance Programs (CAP) for individuals with disabilities. Collectively, the P&A/CAP network is the largest provider of legally based advocacy services to people with disabilities in the United States. Through training and technical assistance, legal support, and legislative advocacy, the National Disability Rights Network works to create a society in which individuals with disabilities are afforded equality of opportunity and are able to fully participate by exercising choice and self-determination.


The mission of Assistive Technology Partners is for persons with cognitive, sensory, and/or physical disabilities to reach their highest potential at home, school, work and play through the addition of appropriate assistive technologies to their lives.


The mission of Colorado Cross Disability Coalition is to promote social justice and create systems change that will benefit people with all types of disabilities. People with all kinds of disabilities should have access to the full American Dream.  We expect full inclusion and will not tolerate exclusion on any level, including but not limited to our government, and any agency that receives money for our benefit.  We expect to be treated with dignity and respect by everyone, particularly those who are being paid to provide services or treatment to us.


The Arc of Colorado builds better lives for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families by improving connections to schools, work and the community.


The mission of the Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council is to advocate in collaboration with and on behalf of people with developmental disabilities for the establishment and implementation of public policy which will further their independence, productivity and integration.


The mission of JFK Partners is to promote the independence, inclusion, contribution, health, and well-being of people with developmental disabilities and special health care needs and their families through consumer, community, and university partnerships. At the core of our mission is a commitment to family and person-centered, community-based, culturally competent programs and services. This mission is accomplished through the pursuit of excellence in education and training, consultation, technical assistance, direct service, research, program development, policy analysis, and advocacy.


AdvocacyDenver is a non-profit, civil rights advocacy organization serving children, teens and adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities as well as their families, providing an active voice to those seeking assistance, guidance, access and support in areas of education, health care and legal services, housing, transportation and financial guidance.


The Colorado Talking Book Library (CTBL) provides downloadable through BARD and postage-free audio, braille, and large print books to blind and print disabiled residents in Colorado. CTBL is part of a national network of libraries that partner with National Library Service (NLS) to provide library services to people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical perceptual, or reading disability that prevents them from using regular print materials. For For more information visit CTBL's website or call 303.727.9277. To receive services fill out an application.


Phamaly Theatre Company’s mission is to inspire people to re-envision disability through professional theatre. Their vision is that every individual with a disability has the opportunity to participate in all aspects of high quality performing arts.​


Mile High United Way mobilizes the community to take collective action to create positive, lasting change.


Disability Law Colorado has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), which means the BBB has determined that Disability Law Colorado meets accreditation standards which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints.

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