children with disabilities

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The 3rd Edition of The Everday Guide to Special Education...

Ability Law Blog Post
The new edition of my book has more than seventy pages of additional information. Included is additional information on schools...

Charter School's Expulsion of Student without...

Ability Law Blog Post
A Michigan charter school violated the IDEA by expelling a student with ADHD and oppositional defiant behavior without first...

Least Restrictive Environment Applies to Extended School...

Ability Law Blog Post
Students with disabilities who need extended school year (ESY) are entitled to receive those services in the least restrictive...

School Psychologist's Assumption Student's Poor...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Fort Bend Independent School District v. Z.A. Douglas A. 62 IDELR 231 (S.D. Tex. Jan 29, 2014), a school psychologist...

Vague IEP Description of Assistive Technology (AT) Impeded...

Ability Law Blog Post
Parents, advocates, and educators frequently ask how much detail is requiring when writing a service on an IEP. Here's a case...

Recent OCR School Service Animal Cases

Ability Law Blog Post
     This post will provide a summary overview of several recent Office for Civil Rights (OCR) resolutions involving students...

OCR Service Animal Resolutions

Ability Law Blog Post
This post will provide a summary overview of several recent Office for Civil Rights (OCR) resolutions involving students with...

Virtual Public Charter School Required to Comply with...

Ability Law Blog Post
The U.S. Department of Education recently announced an agreement with the Virtual Community School of Ohio, an internet based...

Charter school violated IDEA by dis-enrolling student...

Ability Law Blog Post
In an unpublished opinion the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a charter school violated the stay put provisions of the...

MDR Teams Must Look beyond the Student’s Special Education...

Ability Law Blog Post
One benefit of having a blog is having a forum to express my pet peeves. A major pet peeve of mine is those school districts and...
