children with disabilities

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Moving On: The IDEA and Summary of Performance for Students...

Ability Law Blog Post
  Generally, the IDEA requires that once a school district determines that a student has a disability, the district must...

The Second Edition of The Everyday Guide to Special...

Ability Law Blog Post
Readers as you may be aware, this blog features links for those interested in purchasing my book The Everyday Guide to Special...

Keeping it on the down low: The IDEA, School Records, and...

Ability Law Blog Post
     A child’s educational records often contain private personal information about the child and the family. In the course of...

H. R. 4188 The IDEA Fairness Restoration Act: Allowing...

Ability Law Blog Post
       In 2006 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Arlington Central School District Board of Education v. Murphy that parents who...

Using the State Education Agency Complaint Process to...

Ability Law Blog Post
      In a recent series of articles I covered resolving disputes under the IDEA through mediation, the resolution process, and...

Special Education Services in the Summer: The IDEA and...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Summer is rapidly approaching. For most children summer means time off from school. But for some students with disabilities...

Protection from Retaliation

Ability Law Blog Post
       Sometimes individuals are intimidated or harassed because they are trying to enforce or help others to enforce the right...

We Can Work it Out Part III: Using the Resolution Process...

Ability Law Blog Post
    As yet another way to resolve disputes before a due process hearing, the IDEA 2004 added a resolution process. Once a due...

We Can Work it Out Part II: Using Mediation to Resolve...

Ability Law Blog Post
 The last post began a short series of articles on dispute resolution under the IDEA 2004. That article ended with the...

We Can Work it Out: Using the IDEA 2004 to Resolve Disputes...

Ability Law Blog Post
My posts this week and next week will cover the IDEA 2004 formal procedures for resolving disputes prior to a due process hearing...
