children with disabilities

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Avoiding Stormy IEP Meetings:Tips for Chairing an IEP...

Ability Law Blog Post
  Principal Fife was the captain of the good ship HMS Middle School. He knew his mission, keep the school ship shape, hatches...

Protecting Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities from...

Ability Law Blog Post
      Congress originally passed the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in 1974 to provide federal funding to...

New Jersey Places IDEA Burden of Proof on School Districts

Ability Law Blog Post
  Yesterday New Jersey's Governor Corzine signed into law state legislation placing the burden of proof in all special education...

Denying Qualified Students with Disabilities Access to...

Ability Law Blog Post
  Apparently, some schools or school districts have refused to allow qualified students with disabilities the opportunity to...

Special Education and Surrogate Parents

Ability Law Blog Post
             Joanna was frustrated. She had just been assigned to be the social worker for a three year old girl with fetal...

Taking Giant Baby Steps: Early Intervention Services Under...

Ability Law Blog Post
Carmella had just returned from her pediatrician’s office with the news that Edward, her beautiful eleven-month-old boy, may have...

Ten Tips to Parents to Improve Participation in IEP Meetings

Ability Law Blog Post
It was a beautiful but busy Monday morning. The brisk air signaled autumn’s approach as Brenda hustled to get her two boys off  ...

Supporting Students with Disabilities After High School:...

Ability Law Blog Post
  While in preschool, elementary and high school children with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education...

Supreme Court Denies Cert in "Frank G. v. Board of...

Ability Law Blog Post
  As discussed in my previous post, last week the Supreme Court affirmed the Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Board of...

Supreme Court Affirms Tuition Reimbursement for Private...

Ability Law Blog Post
  The Supreme Court has affirmed the decision of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Board of Education of the City of New...
