Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

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Court Rules Parents Entitled to Private School Tuition...

Ability Law Blog Post
     In Mr. and Mrs. A v. New York City Department of Education , a United States District Court has ruled that under certain...

OSEP Clarifies that RTI Process Cannot Delay-Deny IDEA...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Since the Response to Intervention (RTI) process was referred to in the IDEA regulations as a means of  identifying a...

New Preventing Litigation in Special Education WORKBOOK...

Ability Law Blog Post
 Readers, many of you may be familiar with my book The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law.  I'm proud to announce that a new...

2010 in review

Ability Law Blog Post
The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here's a high level summary of its overall...

Department of Education Issues Guidance Targeting...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Yesterday, October 26th 2010, the US Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights issued a "Dear Colleague" letter to...

Celebrating 35 Years of the IDEA:The U.S. Department of...

Ability Law Blog Post
     The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was originally passed in 1975.

House Passes HR 4247 Keeping All Students Safe Act

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last week the House of Representatives voted 262 to 153 to pass HR 4247 the Keeping All  Students Safe Act. This legislation...

Born to be a Demon

Ability Law Blog Post
     As a contrast to my most recent post Band Director’s Unilateral Decision Denying Student with a Disability Full...

Band Director's Unilateral Decision Denying Student...

Ability Law Blog Post
     An Arizona high school student with Down syndrome had an IEP calling for "integration with regular peers as much as possible...

National Center for Learning Disabilities Provides State by...

Ability Law Blog Post
     The National Center for Learning Disabilities has provided scorecards for every state that includes information on state...
