Section 504

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District's Indifference to Bullying and Harassment of...

Ability Law Blog Post
The school district in Preston ex rel. A.P. v. Hilton Cent. Sch. Dist., 112 LRP 36253 (W.D.N.Y. 07/11/12), claimed that because...

Decisions Regarding Students Using Service Animals at...

Ability Law Blog Post
Section 504 requires that school districts consider a student's request to bring a service animal to school individually and,...

District's Safety Concerns Do Not Justify Shortened...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Castaic (Ca) Union Elementary Sch. Dist., 58 IDELR 234 (OCR IX, San Francisco (Ca) 2011), the Office for Civil Rights (OCR)...

Charter School Violated 504 by Requiring Student with...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Academy of Waterford (MI) 112 LRP 15747 (OCR 2011) the staff at Academy of Waterford, a public charter school in Michigan,...

Homebound Student May Use 504 and the ADA to Challenge...

Ability Law Blog Post
 In Mowry v. Logan County Board of Education, 58 IDELR 192 (S.D. W. Va. 2012), a West Virginia high school student who was placed...

District Discriminated Against Student by Failing to Follow...

Ability Law Blog Post
Parents frequently ask which is better enforced: An IEP or a 504 Plan? While the 504 regulations do not specify the detail...

US Department of Education Outlines 15 Principles Regarding...

Ability Law Blog Post
Today, the US Department of Education published the Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document to "help  ensure that schools are...

Florida Department of Education Required to Pay for...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Seminole County (FL) School District, 58 IDELR 113 (OCR 2011), the parents of a 5th grade student with cerebral palsy and a...

OCR Rules School District Violated 504 by Isolating Special...

Ability Law Blog Post
The Office for Civil Rights found  that a Tennessee school district violated Section 504 when it placed 14 middle schoolers with...

Review of The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law in...

Ability Law Blog Post
  The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law Second Edition by Randy Chapman, Esq. The Legal Center for People with...
