Section 504

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Band Director's Unilateral Decision Denying Student...

Ability Law Blog Post
     An Arizona high school student with Down syndrome had an IEP calling for "integration with regular peers as much as possible...

9th Circuit Rules Teacher Complaining to OCR of Student...

Ability Law Blog Post
     In Susan Barker v Riverside County Office of Education, (9th Cir., 10/23/09) the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that...

The ADA/504 and Assistance in Toileting in Public Before...

Ability Law Blog Post
     I received a great question and comment to my post from last May Toileting Assistance in Child Care and the ADA . That post...

The ADA and Child Care

Ability Law Blog Post
           In my last post I discussed Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the context of Justice Department Sues...

NDRN Releases Shocking Report on Seclusion and Restraint in...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Today, the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)  issued School is Not Supposed to Hurt, a disturbing national report on...

Court Overturns California Department of Education...

Ability Law Blog Post
     In August of 2007 the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the California Department of Education (CDE) entered into an...

Second Edition of The Everyday Guide to Special Education...

Ability Law Blog Post
  Readers, at the end of May I posted that the Second Edition of my book The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law was...

The Second Edition of The Everyday Guide to Special...

Ability Law Blog Post
Readers as you may be aware, this blog features links for those interested in purchasing my book The Everyday Guide to Special...

Sticks and Stones can Break Your Bones But Words can Break...

Ability Law Blog Post
Jeremy was in tears and Brenda's temperature had reached the boiling point. Jeremy was in 7th Grade and used a wheelchair....

Opening the School Door to Section 504

Ability Law Blog Post
Brenda should have been excited. Her daughter Jessica would be starting kindergarten this fall. Jessica was smart as a whip and...
