US Department of Education Provides Bullying Prevention Toolkit for Teachers

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     On September 28, the United States Department of Education released a free training toolkit for classroom teachers to use to reduce incidents of bullying. The toolkit was developed by the Safe and Supportive Schools Technical Assistance Center. The toolkit has two parts. Module One provides step-by-step instructions for conducting workshops with teachers, educators, and school personnel who work with students. The instructions include a preparation guide, trainer's outline and focus on:

Understanding what bullying behavior is and is not

Understanding what bullying behavior may look like in the classroom

Exploring ideas for responding to bullying behavior; and

Becoming equipped with specific strategies for addressing and reporting behavior bullying

     Module 2 then provides state-of-the-art information on how to build a supportive classroom climate. According to the Department of Education, "research shows that classrooms that have strong relationships and are respectful of diversity have less bullying." Participants in Module 2 will:

Consider what a supportive classroom climate looks like and how it can prevent bullying

Examine the role of teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships in building a supportive classroom climate

Explore strategies for preventing bullying in the classroom, including establishing a culture of respect for differences among students

Consider how a web of positive support among students and other adults across the school community can help prevent bullying.

     The Department of Education concludes its press release by noting that more than 33 percent of students who are bullied report it happening in classrooms and only 55 percent of teachers have received training on bullying policies at their schools. This toolkit will help provide that training.