Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams has accepted the recommendation of the Pilot Election Review Committee

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Disability Law Colorado is pleased to announce that Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams has accepted the recommendation of the Pilot Election Review Committee and will enter into contract negotiations with Dominion Voting Systems in the statewide effort to move Colorado towards a uniform voting system.

Along with other members of the Pilot Election Review Committee (“PERC”), Jennifer Levin from Disability Law Colorado evaluated four different pilot systems in eight counties during the November 3rd election.  PERC reviewed information provided by representatives from each of the piloted systems and analyzed data gathered from thousands of  evaluations filled out by election judges, county officials, and in-person voters.

Of the four piloted systems being tested, Dominion rated highest for accessibility for voters with disabilities.  Scoring was based on an analysis of answers to questions that relate to a voter’s ability to vote without assistance from election workers, ensuring that voters with disabilities will be able to vote privately and independently.

Please find attached a link to the Secretary’s news release.



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