children with disabilities

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Education Secretary Duncan Sends Letter to Chief State...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last Friday, July 31st, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan sent a letter to the Chief State School Officers in each state...

Looking at the Trees in the Forest Grove Decision

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last week the Supreme Court ruled in Forest Grove v T.A., that the IDEA authorizes reimbursement of private school tuition...

Supreme Court Rules the IDEA Authorizes Private-School...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Today, by a 6 to 3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled in Forest Grove School District v T.A. that the IDEA authorizes tuition...

Toileting Assistance in Child Care and the ADA

Ability Law Blog Post
     After my  post yesterday on Child Care and the ADA I received a very good question regarding child care programs providing...

The ADA and Child Care

Ability Law Blog Post
           In my last post I discussed Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the context of Justice Department Sues...

The ADA and Child Care

Ability Law Blog Post
           In my last post I discussed Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the context of Justice Department Sues...

Justice Department Sues Private School Chain for...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last Wednesday April 29th the U.S. Justice Department announced that it had filed suit in U.S. District Court in...

Supreme Court to Hear Tuition Reimbursement Case: Forest...

Ability Law Blog Post
     On April 28, 2009, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Forest Grove v. T.A. The issue is whether the school...
