Section 504

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Father's Girlfriend Did Not Have Authority to Cancel...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Some cases have more interesting facts than others. In Chicago (IL) Public Schools, 56 IDELR 54 (OCR July 2, 2010), the...

Father’s Girlfriend Did Not Have Authority to Cancel Boy’s...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Some cases have more interesting facts than others. In Chicago (IL) Public Schools, 56 IDELR 54 (OCR July 2, 2010), the...

Placing Student on Homebound for Most of His Senior Year...

Ability Law Blog Post
     In Logan County(WV) School, 55 IDELR 297 (OCR 2010), the Office for Civil Rights found that the school district violated...

Student with OCD and Tourette Syndrome Making Good Grades...

Ability Law Blog Post
     I am often asked whether a student who has disabilities but is making good grades can be eligible for services under Section...

Remember that 504 Requires Manifestation Determinations for...

Ability Law Blog Post
     In Springfield School District #186, 55 IDELR 206 (OCR June 29, 2010), the Office for Civil Rights determined that a school...

Schools Must Proactively Provide Evaluations Under Section...

Ability Law Blog Post
A school district in Alabama violated Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act because it failed to...

Department of Education Issues Guidance Targeting...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Yesterday, October 26th 2010, the US Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights issued a "Dear Colleague" letter to...

Inaccurate and Outdated Training Information Results in 504...

Ability Law Blog Post
     The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) found that a training manual used by an educational service agency to train school...

Shortening School Day for Students Using Accessible Bus,...

Ability Law Blog Post
     In an Office for Civil Rights (OCR) decision, Sierra Vista (AZ) Unified School District, 54 IDELR 35 (OCR, July 10, 2009)...

Band Director's Unilateral Decision Denying Student...

Ability Law Blog Post
     An Arizona high school student with Down syndrome had an IEP calling for "integration with regular peers as much as possible...
