Secondary Investigation Report Regarding the Body Inspections at Pueblo Regional Center

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In late March and early April of 2015, the guardians of several residents at Pueblo Regional Center (PRC) contacted Disability Law Colorado (DLC) and reported concerns about unclothed body audits/body inspections (“body inspections”) which were allegedly performed on March 25 and 26, 2015, on all residents of PRC by staff members from Wheat Ridge Regional Center (the WRRC Team).

Staff from DLC completed interviews of each guardian that contacted us and then interviewed 6 verbal PRC residents. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) received a complaint about the above allegations and also received 9 complaints from guardians of affected residents. 

CDPHE performed an investigation of the situation. In addition, the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), CDPHE, and the Pueblo Sheriff’s Department each also investigated the precipitating events that initially led CDHS to order the body inspections.

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