ADA 30th Anniversary Celebration

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picture of 1990 signing of the ADA along with disability rights advocates

Disability Law Colorado's ADA30 Campaign:

CLICK HERE for Our ADA30 Celebration Page!  July 26, 2020 marks 30 years since the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) which became a law to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities.

For years people with disabilities and their allies fought to have basic rights, and this law makes sure people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. People who don't have a disability can take for granted how easy it is to access some of the most basic areas around the community. But those with disabilities know how a trip to the grocery store or even movie theater comes with its own unique challenges. 61 million adults in the United States live with a disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and each one of us is unique. As we celebrate this milestone, lets take time to reflect on what the ADA means to us, “Thanks to the ADA,” and come together to continue our advocacy and conversations on civil rights and equality.

How You can Celebrate the ADA and Continue Important Conversations on Civil Rights and Equality

Since 1977 Disability Law Colorado has been the Centennial state's Protection & Advocacy System, a disability rights champion and a leader in driving change, protecting rights and improving the lives of Coloradans with disabilities and older people. Join us as we celebrate 30 years of the ADA. The work that lies ahead to uphold the the law and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act will undoubtably be fierce.  Disability Law Colorado remains steadfast in our commitment to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in Colorado. 

You can Help Equip and Empower Us to Fight for Disability Rights and for the ADA!

Consider donating $30 for 30 by CLICKING HERE. We ask for your support by making a contribution to our ADA work. Your contribution and advocacy will help equip and empower us to fight for disability rights.  NOTE: Thanks to a generous contubution from one of Disability Law Colorado's Major Donors; and the generousity of our Board of Directors -- from Sunday, July 26 to Friday, July 31 -- your $30 donation will be matched dollar for dollar (your $30 donation becomes $60); and larger donations will be matched for the first $30 (example: your $100 donation becomes $130).