Search Begins for DLC's Next Executive Director

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Disability Law Colorado seeks an inspiring and skilled leader who will establish strong collaborative relationships, both internally and externally, and work to articulate and implement a strategic vision for the next phase of the organization. The ideal candidate will have significant nonprofit leadership and management experience within disability rights, legal advocacy, or a closely related field. Strong candidates will demonstrate commitment to advocating for the rights of people with disabilities and older people and the ability to mobilize support both internally and externally for strengthening systems and community supports on behalf of the populations Disability Law Colorado serves.

The next Executive Director for Disability Law Colorado will exhibit humble servant leadership and will have a strong ability to effectively empower staff and collaborate with the Board. The ED will represent DLC publicly and will continue to elevate the organization’s profile as a critical, impactful agency, both across the state and nationwide.

CLICK HERE for a full Executive Director position description.