early intervention and part C

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Protection from Retaliation

Ability Law Blog Post
       Sometimes individuals are intimidated or harassed because they are trying to enforce or help others to enforce the right...

We Can Work it Out Part II: Using Mediation to Resolve...

Ability Law Blog Post
 The last post began a short series of articles on dispute resolution under the IDEA 2004. That article ended with the...

Protecting Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities from...

Ability Law Blog Post
      Congress originally passed the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in 1974 to provide federal funding to...

Special Education and Surrogate Parents

Ability Law Blog Post
             Joanna was frustrated. She had just been assigned to be the social worker for a three year old girl with fetal...

Taking Giant Baby Steps: Early Intervention Services Under...

Ability Law Blog Post
Carmella had just returned from her pediatrician’s office with the news that Edward, her beautiful eleven-month-old boy, may have...

"Natural Environment" Under Part C Includes...

Ability Law Blog Post
Part C of the IDEA provides early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Under Part C infants and...
