Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

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Looking at the Trees in the Forest Grove Decision

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last week the Supreme Court ruled in Forest Grove v T.A., that the IDEA authorizes reimbursement of private school tuition...

Supreme Court Rules the IDEA Authorizes Private-School...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Today, by a 6 to 3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled in Forest Grove School District v T.A. that the IDEA authorizes tuition...

The ADA and Child Care

Ability Law Blog Post
           In my last post I discussed Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the context of Justice Department Sues...

Supreme Court to Hear Tuition Reimbursement Case: Forest...

Ability Law Blog Post
     On April 28, 2009, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Forest Grove v. T.A. The issue is whether the school...

OCR Updates Information Regarding 504 and the Rights of...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last fall the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act was passed and signed into law (please see my post President Signs...

The IDEA and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009

Ability Law Blog Post
     The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA) provides significant new funding for services for children with...

Discipline and Disability: Determining When a Child's...

Ability Law Blog Post
    Readers I originally posted this article in October  2007.  I have added some additional content and links to the IDEA...
