What's New

Pilot Election Review Committee
Secretary of State Wayne Williams has established the Pilot Election Review Committee to evaluate and assess the performance of proposed uniform voting systems. These systems will be piloted in...
Statement Regarding Sharisa Joy Kochmeister
Disability Law Colorado is the designated Protection and Advocacy System for individuals with developmental disabilities in the state of Colorado, as authorized by the Developmental Disabilities...
Secondary Investigation Report Regarding the Body...
In late March and early April of 2015, the guardians of several residents at Pueblo Regional Center (PRC) contacted Disability Law Colorado (DLC) and reported concerns about unclothed body audits/...
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Wait List Has...
April 30, 2015
Dear Customers, Colleagues, and Community Partners,
Two years ago the Division...
Statewide Restraint and Seclusion Survey of Schools
Since 2007, Disability Law Colorado has conducted a targeted initiative to reduce the use of restraint and seclusion of public school students with disabilities.
Statewide Investigations
Right to Have Companion Animals
A companion animal is an animal that provides emotional support to a person with a disability.
Recently, Congress amended the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Most disability advocates...
Randy Chapman Celebrates 35 Years at Disability Law Colorado
Director of Legal Services, Randy Chapman, has been with Disability Law Colorado since 1977.
After Randy Chapman graduated from law school at the University of Texas at Austin, he came to...
Douglas County Program Discriminates Against Students with...
Disability Law Colorado filed a complaint with the Civil Rights Division alleging that a Douglas County School District voucher program was discriminatory against students with disabilities.
Disability Law Sues the State of Colorado
The court orders mental health treatment for inmates who cannot participate in the criminal proceedings against them. The wait times to receive mental health treatment were weeks, even months....
Cherry Creek School District Challenge Spurs Statewide...
A parent called Disability Law Colorado when her son’s school limited her participation in a meeting about her son’s behavior.
Disability Law Colorado filed a complaint against the Cherry Creek...