Developmental Disabilities

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Disability Law Colorado protects and promotes the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

We investigate allegations of abuse, neglect or other rights restrictions. We also assist individuals whose services have been terminated or reduced.

It has always been an integral part of our mission to promote independence in the community over institutional care for people with developmental disabilities and all disabilities.

Learn more about our program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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Click Here to Learn more about the 'New' HCBS Settings Rule

Success Stories

A Man with Asperger's Pursues His Dreams

Disability Law Colorado advocated for a young man with disabilities when his request to attend a program for college students with disabilities was denied...

Man with Autism Continues in College

Disability Law Colorado helped a young man with disabilities who was living in student housing and attending college.

He started experiencing severe...

Related Resources

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Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act

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Free, Appropriate Public Education

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