The Second Edition of The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law available for preorder

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Readers as you may be aware, this blog features links for those interested in purchasing my book The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law. I have not, however, directly promoted the book in my posts. I’m going to break with that tradition because I want you to know that the first edition of the book has sold out, but that the second edition of The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law will arrive by the end of June, but can be preordered now. Like the previous book, the second edition contains information about obtaining a free appropriate public education, IEPs, discipline, dispute resolution, extended school year, early childhood services, and 504 plans. Additionally, the new second edition has been updated to include the most recent changes in federal law including:

• the IDEA requirements for services plans for children placed in private schools
• how to file complaints with State Education Agencies for violations of the IDEA including obtaining compensatory services
• timelines for resolving disputes under the IDEA and how to use "mediation" and the new "resolution process"
• the evaluation process and response-to-intervention (RTI)
Again, if you are interested you can preorder the second edition of The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law now.
That’s it for the commercial. My next post will again feature practical comments and information on special education, early intervention, and disability law.