Disability Law

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Justice Department Determines Private School Voucher...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last week the Department of Justice (DOJ) released a letter to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI)...

In Reviewing MDR Decisions, Hearing Officers May Consider...

Ability Law Blog Post
Students with disabilities, like all students, may be disciplined for violating the school's code of conduct.

Change in Location Can Be A Change in Placement

Ability Law Blog Post
     Some school districts and their counsel assert that, under the IDEA, a change in location of service delivery is not a...

18 Days of Early Dismissals Constitute a Pattern Requiring...

Ability Law Blog Post
In South Bronx (NY) Classical Charter School, 59 IDELR 231 (OCR 2012) the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) determined that the...

High School Athletic Association must Comply with 504 and...

Ability Law Blog Post
In People of the State of Illinois v Illinois High School Athletic Association, 59 IDELR 153 (N.D. Ill 2012), the Office of the...

Bus Suspension Requires MDR Even if Parent Drives Student...

Ability Law Blog Post
Melody Musgrove, the Director of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) provided guidance regarding a school district's...

Massachusetts District Violates 504 by Not Meeting Student...

Ability Law Blog Post
     A Massachusetts School District violated a student's 504 Plan by not providing training for staff on how to use an FM sound...

On 39th Anniversary of 504 OCR Issues "Disability...

Ability Law Blog Post
     On the 39th Anniversary of the passage of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) within the...

US Department of Education Provides Bullying Prevention...

Ability Law Blog Post
     On September 28, the United States Department of Education released a free training toolkit for classroom teachers to use to...
