Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

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Manifestation Determination (MD) Review is Not a Hearing...

Ability Law Blog Post
 A pet peeve of mine is the common misperception that the manifestation determination review process is a "hearing." The IDEA...

Teacher's Long-term abuse denied student FAPE...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Fulton County School District, 112 LRP 1885 (SEA GA 02/01/12) an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)ruled that a Georgia school...

Texas School District Required to Provide Bus Monitors with...

Ability Law Blog Post
 A state hearing officer ruled in Corpus Christi Independent School District, 57 IDELR 297 (Tex. SEA 2011) that the school...

OSEP Letter Reinforces that Services are Based on Student...

Ability Law Blog Post
As we know, special education services for children with disabilities are provided to meet the individual needs of the particular...

Florida Department of Education Required to Pay for...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Seminole County (FL) School District, 58 IDELR 113 (OCR 2011), the parents of a 5th grade student with cerebral palsy and a...

Colorado District's Failure to Evaluate Student While...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Harrison (CO) School District Two, 57 IDELR 295 (OCR 2011),  the Office for Civil Rights determined that implementing RTI...

OSEP Letter says school districts may set timelines for...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Letter to Addressee 111 LRP 68370 (OSEP 2011), the Office of Special Education Programs has stated that school districts, as...

Illinois School District Should Have Addressed Student...

Ability Law Blog Post
 In City of Chicago School District 299, 57 IDELR 29, (SEA  Il 2011) an 8th Grade boy  with specific learning disabilities...

Senator Harkin Introduces Keeping All Students Safe Act

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last Friday December 16 2011, Senator Tom Harkin (D. Iowa) introduced the Keeping All Students Safe Act . Similar...

OSEP Spanish Glossary Now Available

Ability Law Blog Post
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has published a Spanish Glossary with over 250 IDEA related terms in Spanish. The...
