children with disabilities

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U.S. Department of Education Issues Part C Regulations

Ability Law Blog Post
     Today, the Department of Education (the Department) issued the final regulations for the early intervention program under...

U.S. District Court Affirms Validity of IDEA Regulations...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Phillip and Angie C. v. Jefferson County Board of Education , 111 LRP 55718 (N.D. Ala. Aug 17, 2011), the U.S. District Court...

High School Student's Lack of Effort/Negative Attitude...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Ms. H v. Montgomery County Board of Education, 56 IDELR 268 (May 12,2011) a  U.S. District Court in Alabama ruled that the...

Father's Girlfriend Did Not Have Authority to Cancel...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Some cases have more interesting facts than others. In Chicago (IL) Public Schools, 56 IDELR 54 (OCR July 2, 2010), the...

Father’s Girlfriend Did Not Have Authority to Cancel Boy’s...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Some cases have more interesting facts than others. In Chicago (IL) Public Schools, 56 IDELR 54 (OCR July 2, 2010), the...

It Usually Doesn’t Help if Parents Appear Uncooperative in...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Parents may sometimes feel it is pointless to continue meeting with the school to work out IEP issues. But my experience has...

The Everyday Guide and Preventing Litigation in Special...

Ability Law Blog Post
     I am proud to announce that my book The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law and the Preventing Litigation in Special...

OCR Clarifies that Federal Law Prohibits Practices that...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Last Friday the Office for Civil Rights and the Justice Department jointly issued a  "Dear Colleague" letter to school...

Placing Student on Homebound for Most of His Senior Year...

Ability Law Blog Post
     In Logan County(WV) School, 55 IDELR 297 (OCR 2010), the Office for Civil Rights found that the school district violated...

Student with OCD and Tourette Syndrome Making Good Grades...

Ability Law Blog Post
     I am often asked whether a student who has disabilities but is making good grades can be eligible for services under Section...
