children with disabilities

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The IDEA and Charter Schools

Ability Law Blog Post
     What are charter schools?

For Some Families There's No Place Like Home: The IDEA...

Ability Law Blog Post
All fifty states have laws allowing parents to home school their children. Under the IDEA special education includes specially...

10th Circuit Denies Private Residential Placement for Child...

Ability Law Blog Post
In Thompson R2-J School District v Luke P., a case out of Colorado, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned a district...

Ninth Circuit Rules that Limiting Parents’ Expert’s Class...

Ability Law Blog Post
    In L.M. v Capistrano Unified School District, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals determined that limiting the parents’...

Services Plans for Parentally-placed Private School...

Ability Law Blog Post
     Some students with disabilities attend private rather than public schools. There are three scenarios in which a student with...

Helping Parents Help their Students with Disabilities:...

Ability Law Blog Post
   Under the IDEA, students with disabilities must be provided the related services they need to benefit from their special...

Section 504, School Field Trips, and Students with...

Ability Law Blog Post
In a previous post, Opening the School Door to Section 504, I discussed the Section 504 and ADA requirements to provide services...

Second Edition of The Everyday Guide to Special Education...

Ability Law Blog Post
  Readers, at the end of May I posted that the Second Edition of my book The Everyday Guide to Special Education Law was...

From the Outside Looking In: Independent Educational...

Ability Law Blog Post
   The parents’ right to obtain an independent educational evaluation (IEE) of their child is an important IDEA procedural...

Parent Consent and Independent Educational Evaluation...

Ability Law Blog Post
  A functional behavior assessment, or FBA, is a tool to gather information about a student’s inappropriate or problem behavior...
