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disability pride flag - black background, green, sky blue, white, yellow and red stripes left corner to right corner

Disability PRIDE Month

  Disability Pride Defined – AmeriDisability describes Disability Pride as “accepting and honoring each person’s uniqueness and seeing it as a natural and beautiful part of human diversity” and...
six young adults pose for a selfie

Help Shape Our Priorities - Take Our Community Input Survey

Disability Law Colorado, like many nonprofit and legal service organizations, has a big job to do with limited funds and staff positions. To be successful and achieve our mission, we must use every...
protesters gather outside of the US Supreme Court after Roe v. Wade is overturned

DLC's Statement of Solidarity on the Overturning of...

More than a week ago, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and in doing so they took from millions the fundamental right to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom. The ruling in Dobbs v....
a Latino boy is wearing a teal colored facemask with cartoon characters in bright yellow and red

Building Placement & Schools of Choice for Special...

Colorado State Board of Education Rulemaking Hearing
Colorado State Capitol's gold dome with USA flag and Colorado flag

DLC's 2022 Colorado Legislative Session Review

During the 2022 Legislative Session at the Colorado General Assembly Disability Law Colorado stepped up to advocate for the rights and welfare of individuals with disabilities* across Colorado....

At-Home COVID-19 Tests for People Who Are Blind

Now Available: Free At-home COVID-19 Tests for People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision The Biden-Harris Administration has launched a new initiative to expand the availability of at-home tests that...
image: headline expressing "Juneteenth - Freedom Day" on three lines painted in red, black green with doves ascending on a yellow background

Celebrating Juneteenth - History & Importance

Table Talk: Family Conversations about Juneteenth ADL Blog | Published June 1, 2022
picture of CO Rep Judy Amabile wearing a black sweater and wearing a face mask with her arm on a green chair in the Colorado State Capitol

Improved Conditions for Individuals Found Not Guilty by...

  Colorado Passes Bill to Improve Conditions for Individuals Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity The legislation gives courts more oversight and discretion over NGRI acquittees and creates a...
picture of Carrie Griffin Basas with her family

Carrie Griffin Basas Selected as DLC's Exec. Dir.

DENVER, CO | March 30, 2022 — The Disability Law Colorado Board of Directors is very pleased to announce the selection of Carrie Griffin Basas as our new Executive Director.  Carrie was chosen from a...

CO Dept. of Education Seeks Your BIPOC Input

CO Department of Education | BIPOC Family Listening Sessions The goal of the listening sessions is to gain a better understanding of the needs of our BIPOC parent's/families across the state to...
