Senators Bob Dole and Tom Harkin express their support for the 3rd annual National Disability Voter Registration Week! July 16-20, 2018. #REVUP #DisabilityVote18 #Register #Educate #Vote #UseYourPower
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A new Fact Sheet - "Businesses' Obligations Under the ADA" is now available. This Disability Law Colorado resource provides invaluable information for businesses to help them navigate how best to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you have questions or need additi
Join Disability Law Colorado and the Arc of the Central Mountains for FREE REVup! events. Attendees will learn about their rights, how to register to vote, voting requirements and accessibility at the polls.
Don't miss the opportunity to learn about your voting rights at upcoming "Voting Rights and Responsibilities for People with Disabilities" events hosted by Peak Parent Center and presented by Disability Law Colorado. These events are FREE and snacks will be provided.
Join us for our Annual Open House on Thursday, November 21 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm [455 Sherman St. | Suite 130 | Denver 80203] featuring great food, drinks and live entertainment.
Disability Law Colorado has developed a NEW Transition to Adulthood Series designed to provide guidance and clear information about transitioning from high school to life as a young adult.