What's New

picture of CO Rep Judy Amabile wearing a black sweater and wearing a face mask with her arm on a green chair in the Colorado State Capitol

Improved Conditions for Individuals Found Not Guilty by...

  Colorado Passes Bill to Improve Conditions for Individuals Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity The legislation gives courts more oversight and discretion over NGRI acquittees and creates a...
picture of Carrie Griffin Basas with her family

Carrie Griffin Basas Selected as DLC's Exec. Dir.

DENVER, CO | March 30, 2022 — The Disability Law Colorado Board of Directors is very pleased to announce the selection of Carrie Griffin Basas as our new Executive Director.  Carrie was chosen from a...

CO Dept. of Education Seeks Your BIPOC Input

CO Department of Education | BIPOC Family Listening Sessions The goal of the listening sessions is to gain a better understanding of the needs of our BIPOC parent's/families across the state to...

Know Your Rights - Education Flyer

Check out this Education "Know Your Rights" flyer created by our partner organizations: Rocky Mountain Children's Law Center, Movimiento Poder, Colorado Juvenile Defender Center. Know Your Rights -...

DLC's Dept. of Justice Complaint Nets Win for...

Disability Law Colorado’s Department of Justice Complaint Alleging State of Colorado ADA Violations in Nursing Homes Nets Win for Coloradans DOJ Directs Colorado to Change Its Funding Bias from...
picture of Meghan Baker testifying in front of CO House Judiciary Committee

HB22-1061 Passes Out of Committee

HB22-1061, "Modifications to Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity," was heard Wednesday, Feb. 16 in the House Judiciary committee. DLC staff attorney Meghan Baker testified in support of the bill, as did...

Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit

Information on How to Receive the Child Tax Credit and/or Earned Income Tax Credit
picture of Colorado Capitol

CO Tax Rebate for Elders & People with Disabilities

Property Tax, Rent, Heat (PTC) Rebate is now available to Colorado residents based on income including people with disabilities and older adults to help with their property tax, rent, and/or heat...

Denial From Services Survey

Disability Law Colorado is collecting stories regarding the provision of or denial from services at Colorado’s Community Mental Health Centers, including Crisis Stabilization Units, Community Clinics...
picture of a mosaic with rainbow colors with the words "Take Up Space" in the middle

DLC Attorneys to Present at PEAK Education Conference

Disability Law Colorado staff attorneys - Emily Harvey and Sara Pielsticker will be sharing their expertise on all things, "K-12 Education Rights 101" on February 24th at the Peak Parent Center's ...
