What's New

Disability Law Colorado’s Current Executive Director,...

Disability Law Colorado’s Current Executive Director, Carrie Griffin Basas, Accepts Position as Executive Director of Disability Rights Washington, Beginning September 2023 Carrie expects to wrap up...
photo of metal restraints used by CDOC in their facilities

Disability Law Colorado Publishes Report on use of Four-...

Disability Law Colorado Publishes Report on the Use of Four Point Restraints in Colorado Department of Corrections Facilities

Kelly McCullough named Legal Director at DLC

           Disability Law Colorado is pleased to announce that Kelly McCullough has been selected to be our next Legal Director. After a nationwide search for suitable candidates, Kelly was one of...
school desk with books, and apple and a backpack

Colorado school choice law discriminates against students...

DLC's Youth Advocacy Team led by Emily Harvey filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights alleging that Colorado's school choice laws allow administrators to...
hand reaching out with symbols of education drawn above

Disability Law Colorado’s Office for Civil Rights Complaint...

Disability Law Colorado’s Office for Civil Rights Complaint Alleging Violations of Section 504 and the ADA Nets Win for Students in San Luis Valley OCR Directed the San Luis Valley Board of...

DLC Settles Lawsuit Against Dept. of Corrections on Behalf...

Settlement Will Assure Effective Communication, Accommodations

DLC Settles Lawsuit Against Department of Corrections on...

Settlement Will Assure Effective Communication, Accommodations
