What's New

Denver HRCP Listening Sessions
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The National Civic League is partnering with the Denver Division of Disability Rights to hold multiple listening sessions throughout Denver on accessibility of City and...

2019 Open House
Join us for our Annual Open House on Thursday, November 21 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm [455 Sherman St. | Suite 130 | Denver 80203] featuring great food, drinks and live entertainment. Appetizers, wine,...

PAIMI Priorities Survey
Each year Disability Law Colorado surveys the community to identify priorities for our Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) work. Our PAIMI Advisory Council meets...

Gov. Polis Signs 2 Mental Health Bills
On Monday, May 20th Colorado Gov. Polis signed into law two mental health bills in which Disability Law Colorado had a significant role in shaping: SB 222- Individuals at Risk of Institutionalization...

Agreement Reached Over Long Waits for Court-Ordered Mental...
Disability Law Colorado is pleased to announce that an agreement was reached on Friday, March 15 in a longstanding legal battle over long waits for court-ordered mental health evaluations and...
Alison Butler Interviewed by Advocacy Denver | Jail Wait at...
Disability Law Colorado's Director of Legal Services, Alison L. Butler, Esq., is interviewed by AdvocacyDenver's Catherine Strode regarding our work to protect the rights of individuals with mental...

DLC Press Coverage
Disability Law Colorado rececently received a lot of press coverage focused on the Colorado Department of Human Services' decision to freeze admission to psychiatric hospitals for patients who are...

KGNU Dot.Org Interview with Director of Legal Services,...
Disability Law Colorado's Director of Legal Services, Alison Butler was interviewed on December 17 for a Dot.Org segment on KGNU Community Radio. The interview aired on Thursday, December 27, 2018...

Voting Rights and Responsibilities for People with...
Don't miss the opportunity to learn about your voting rights at upcoming "Voting Rights and Responsibilities for People with Disabilities" events hosted by Peak Parent Center and presented by...

REVup! Events in Garfield, Pitkin & Eagle Counties
Join Disability Law Colorado and the Arc of the Central Mountains for FREE REVup! events. Attendees will learn about their rights, how to register to vote, voting requirements and accessibility at...