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picture of young Black man placing a red carnation at memorial for George Floyd

Statement Responding to Racial Injustice & Murder of...

Disability Law Colorado joins the nation in expressing our profound sadness and outrage over the senseless deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many other Black men and women...

Know Your Rights During COVID-19

Disability Law Colorado is here to help fight for your rights during the COVID-19 crisis.  Contact us for help if: You have questions about your legal rights during the COVID-19 pandemic You are...
Complete Our Facilities Survey on Impact from COVI19

Survey: Impact from COVID19 on Colorado Facilities

Have You Been In a Facility Recently? Do You Know Someone Who Is? WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

Chalkbeat Article: Seclusion and Restraint in Colorado...

Disability Law Colorado's Director of Legal Services, Alison Butler and Education Team Leader Attorney, Jennifer Levin were interviewed for this Chalkbeat Colorado article by Melanie Asmar which...

Everyone Counts! 2020 Census | ¡Todos Contamos!

Once a decade America comes together to participate in the census. The census provides the basis for reapportioning Congressional seats, redistricting, and distributing billions of dollars in federal...

Alison Butler's "At the Table" Article |...

Disability Law Colorado's Director of Legal Services, Alison Butler, Esq. is the co-chair of the Long-Term Competency Subcommittee of the Colorado Department of Human Services' Behavioral Health Task...

CO Dept. of Local Affairs Housing Survey

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs is currently conducting a study concerning fair housing. Known as the “Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice” (AI), the study is required by the U.S...
Happy Holidays from Disability Law Colorado

Holiday JOY! - Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday

From all of us at Disability Law Colorado and Mighty Rights Press - May the holiday season reveal that which brings you the greatest JOY! NOTE: Our Denver and Grand Junction Offices will be closed...

Denver HRCP Listening Sessions

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The National Civic League is partnering with the Denver Division of Disability Rights to hold multiple listening sessions throughout Denver on accessibility of City and...
Open House 2019

2019 Open House

Join us for our Annual Open House on Thursday, November 21 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm [455 Sherman St. | Suite 130 | Denver 80203] featuring great food, drinks and live entertainment. Appetizers, wine,...
