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American flag with words Memorial Day Honoring All Who Served

Offices Closing at 1:00pm Friday for Memorial Day Weekend

In honor and recognition of their service to our country we pay tribute on this Memorial Day Weekend to all who sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom. “As we express our gratitude, we must...

May is Mental Health Month

May is Mental Health Month! Did You Know?
picture of hands in the air as a symbol of volunteering

Join Us in Thanking Our Wonderful Volunteers

Join Disability Law Colorado in thanking our dedicated and passionate volunteers: Board of Directors, PAIMI (Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness) Advisory Council,...
pictures of David Monroe with headline that he's been named New Director of Legal Services

David Monroe Named New Director of Legal Services

DENVER, CO | April 19, 2021 — Disability Law Colorado, the state’s designated Protection & Advocacy agency, announces David Monroe, Esq. as the organization’s new Director of Legal Services....
picture of a case filed tile - DLC v. CDOC

Disability Law Colorado Files Suit Against Dept. of...

Disability Law Colorado Files Suit Against Department of Corrections on Behalf of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Incarcerated PeopleLawsuit Seeks Effective Communication, Accommodations PRESS RELEASE: DLC...

Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities During the...

A collaboration with many disability rights organizations in Colorado have created an "Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities During the Pandemic" resource for parents/guardians.  This...
 picture of the opening frame of the Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications in Housing video

Housing Rights Video Collaboration with The Justice Center

Recently our Access Team collaborated with The Justice Center to produce a housing video entitled "Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications in Housing."  This collaboration features video...

Voting Rights in Long-Term Care Facilities

It's important that Coloradans know their voting rights.  Check out this newly released Voting Rights in Long-Term Care Facilities PowerPoint presentation.  The presentation is captioned and narrated...
picture of 1990 signing of the ADA along with disability rights advocates

ADA 30th Anniversary Celebration

Disability Law Colorado's ADA30 Campaign: CLICK HERE for Our ADA30 Celebration Page!  July 26, 2020 marks 30 years since the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) which became a law to...

SB20-181 Passes - One More Step to De-Criminalizing...

    One More Step to De-Criminalizing Behavioral Health Conditions  
